Tips to Avoid Freezing your Pipes

One of the most common winter issues that homeowners face is frozen pipes. When temperatures drop, the water inside your pipes can freeze, expand, and cause them to burst — leading to costly water damage.

We’ve put together a few simple tips to help protect your home and avoid the stress of unexpected repairs.

1. Maintain Adequate Heating

Keep your home heated to at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit, even when you’re away. Sudden drops in temperature can quickly freeze the water in your pipes. By maintaining a steady temperature, you can reduce the risk of burst pipes, which can cause significant water damage and costly repairs.

2. Insulate Vulnerable Pipes

Wrap your pipes in attics and exterior walls with foam or fiberglass insulation to protect them from cold air. It’s also a good idea to insulate areas like crawl spaces and utility rooms where pipes are exposed, helping to keep them above freezing and preventing costly water damage.

3. Keep Water Flowing

During extreme cold, open your faucets slightly to let a small, steady stream of water flow. Since moving water is less likely to freeze, this simple step can help prevent your pipes from freezing solid. It’s especially helpful for pipes along exterior walls or in poorly insulated areas of your home.

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