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Professional Liability Insurance for Professional Organizers
Professional Organizers, by the nature of your business, will create "professional liability" exposure! Here is why.
As a business owner, you provide advice or professional services for which customers pay a fee and the customer intends to make decisions based on that advice. If your advice or the services rendered result in dissatisfaction, your customer may sue you for professional negligence, much the same as with an accountant, lawyer, or tax professional.
In today's environment, professionals are held more accountable for their mistakes than ever before. As time passes, higher and higher sums are being awarded to plaintiffs in malpractice suits. The need for professional liability insurance, written with adequate limits, has grown in direct proportion to these trends.

Professional liability deals with mistakes arising out of acts, errors, or omissions in the rendering of or failing to render professional services that result in economic or physical loss. The insurance program offered through SeibertKeck Insurance Partners and its exclusive carrier partner includes your profession in the policy language. We understand what you do and we are ready help.

Donna Moats
NAPO Insurance Professional